Biophilic bathroom design trends - Nashville

Biophilic bathroom design trends in Nashville

Biophilic bathroom design trends: Plants in the bath

Nature lovers, you are going to be excited about the biophilic bathroom design trend that’s going on around the country, and indeed, around the world.

What on earth is biophilic bathroom design?

Biophilic bathroom design is a somewhat new popular design and major trend (e.g., a macro trend) which has swept homeowners across the globe. Biophilic design consists of creating nature-inspired interiors in the home. Biophilic bathroom design brings nature itself, mainly in the form of plants, into the most private areas of the home. While the term biophilic design can also apply to natural-looking products being given prevalence in the home; if it isn’t genuinely natural, then it isn’t genuinely biophilic.

There are any number of ways to achieve this simple effect in a bathroom – basically, limited only by the imagination.

Related: Nashville bathroom remodeling trends – Broderick Builders

The simplest and quickest way to take part in the biophilic bathroom design trend is to pick out your favorite houseplants and set them up in the bathroom. This can be accomplished immediately in any bathroom you have that has a good source of natural light, such as a window or a skylight.

Of course, homeowners have gotten far more creative with biophilic design (e.g., biophilia) than merely buying some plants and setting them up in bathrooms.

Fact: Plants make you feel better and improve your productivity.

As we wrote several months ago in our article about outdoor kitchens (Your Nashville outdoor kitchen: Benefits & advantages – Broderick Builders of Nashville), numerous scientific studies have shown that people are happier and calmer in a natural setting – which includes plants.

Related: Outdoor kitchen design and build – Broderick Builders, your Nashville remodeling partner

It has long been known that even having houseplants in your office – whether a home office or a corporate one – can calm you and even make you more productive. In my own nature-loving experience, I’ve found it to be true that I indeed feel better and work better when the setting is nature-based, or at least rooted in nature. We have an entire section of resources about this very fact; just scroll down or click here for more information.

The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative – Amazon

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This look puts people in touch with the green of nature. It’s been proven that we’re much more efficient and performing, calmer and more focused if we’re surrounded by nature. You may have even noticed this trend in commercial surroundings that integrate plants beautifully into their spaces.

Integrating the trend: a quick way to make the bathroom seem like it’s been thrown into nature is to integrate many plants into the decor. You can create a wall full of greenery, pick natural material tiles, opt for a standalone tub and oddly shaped sink to inspire natures natural shapes. In terms of colors for the space, opt for soothing tones with some whites, grays, and greens.

Plants in the bathroom

One of the predicted bathroom remodeling trends in the 2020s is having more biophilic ornaments in the bathroom. You can create a nature-like sanctuary in your bathroom by just creating a wall full of greenery and plants. You can also have white, green, and gray as the primary color for your bathroom.

For a powder room, wallpaper with greenery on it would be best. Lighting also plays a pretty big role when we connect with nature. Adding a skylight or big windows – or a dimmer – will allow you to mimic the natural light found outdoors.

Resources: Biophilic bathroom design trends for Nashville

Resources: Plants in office increases happiness and productivity