Nashville remodeling for home security improvement

Remodeling for home security

Nashville remodels to improve home security

In this article, we are going to take a look at remodeling with security in mind.

The vast majority of articles you’ll find concerning remodeling and home security focus on steps homeowners can take to secure their home and property during a remodel. That’s not what this home security article is about. Here we are going to look at ways you can make your home more secure through remodeling. We’ll answer important questions like, What are some of the best and most affordable remodels for home security improvements?

Review your home security before a crime forces you to!

Nashville home security - Nashville policeWe strongly recommend a home security review as part of the overall remodel planning whenever you are considering any kind of remodeling. There’s simply no more convenient time to make simple home security improvements than right along with any other kind of home remodeling you may be considering or doing.

How Secure is Your Home? Home Security and Safety Questionnaire – SafeWise

New Home Security Checklist –

The most common home security questions include:

How and when do most burglars break into homes?

Nashville home security - burglar at doorHow: They kick through locked doors: It takes less than 10 seconds for a criminal to kick through a locked door and disrupt your life. (

When: Most folks assume burglars prefer the dark; it sure seems that way in shows and movies. But according to the FBI, burglars generally prefer to break in during daylight hours – specifically, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. – because that’s when the kids are at school and the adults are at work.

Who: A UNC Charlotte study indicated that a typical burglar is a male under 25 years of age. 83% of burglars look for evidence of an alarm system; 60% said they don’t enter if they see an alarm is installed. 12% said they planned the crime beforehand, while 41% said it was on impulse.

Questions to ask your home security provider – Angie’s List

The rest of this article contains our best advice on keeping burglars out of your Nashville-area home.

Home security components to consider during your remodel

We at Broderick Builders have over 40 years of Nashville remodeling experience – and the remodels we have done over the decades have included quite a bit of home security improvements. In this section, we are looking at various features we can install at your home to significantly improve your security and safety in and around Nashville. Many security-focused renovations are fairly standard in modern homes, and others are less typical ways to secure your home from burglars. We can help you with any of these things and more.

Do you have home security questions? Just ask!

Infrared beam sensors

Infrared beam sensors (aka photoelectric sensors) use active infrared technology and consist of two parts, the transmitter and the receiver. This two-part system is also called a through beam arrangement, consisting of a receiver located within the transmitter’s line of sight. The transmitter and receiver are often installed across from each other to protect doorways and entrances. The detector will set off an alarm when the infrared beams are interrupted. In other words, the light beam is blocked somewhere along its path from transmitter to receiver.Nashville remodels to improve home security - motion detector

PIR sensors

A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is a type of electronic sensor measuring the infrared (IR) light radiating from objects within its field of view. PIR sensors consist of only one part (unlike the beam sensor above, which has two parts) and are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors, such as those in security alarms and automatic lighting applications. PIR sensors detect general movement, but they do not provide any information about the moving object. (For that purpose, an active IR sensor is required.)

PIR sensors are commonly called PIRs or PIDs (passive infrared detectors). The term passive refers to the fact that PIR devices do not radiate any energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting infrared radiation (eg, radiant heat) emitted by or reflected from objects.

How Safe Is Your Neighborhood? 5 Tools to Help You Find Out – SafeWise

Surveillance systems & outdoor lighting

There’s a huge selection of Nashville home security surveillance camera systems providing full views of your home’s Nashville home security - outdoor motion detector automatic lightingexterior. Surveillance systems are surprisingly affordable and can be accessed from wherever you are via your mobile device. Some home security surveillance systems are designed to be quite discreet, so you can secure your home without conspicuous or bulky devices.

Darkness is an excellent cover for burglars and robbers looking to break into your home and there’s a proven connection between good lighting and fewer home break-ins. One New York-based study suggested that better-illuminated streets reduce crime by almost 40%. The more illuminated your home is – including both indoor and outdoor lighting – the more secure you and your property actually are.

If you don’t already have excellent exterior security lighting, then we strongly recommend that you let us install highly efficient and effective motion sensor lighting in all the best spots outside your home. With motion sensors, the lights automatically turn on when movement is detected. This is a quick way to alert you to any unwelcome movement on your property – and it’s very effective against would-be burglars, who almost always scurry away at the sudden illumination of their surreptitious exploration! It also saves you money by reducing your electric bill, with the lights coming on only when they are needed. (We have them at our house, and we love them.)

Nashville home security - outdoor motion detector automatic lightingFor best results, position motion-detecting floodlights just inside all of the entry points around your property; this will light up any visitors as soon as they set foot on your turf.

The better outdoor security lighting systems often include a security camera, a two-way communication system, and a very loud siren. Exterior surveillance systems greatly improve your overall home security; they’re one of the biggest no-brainers in all of home remodeling and renovation!

Motion-triggered lights should be placed around your garage, back yard, sidewalks and pathways, and any other outdoor structures you have. Increasing the likelihood of detecting intruders makes you better able to deter them.

Some of these systems even connect with your phone and will alert you when outdoor movement is detected.

Glass break sensor

Glass break sensors add an extra layer of security between a would-be intruder and your home. If a protected window is broken, a loud alarm will sound, most likely ending the break-in attempt.

Hurricane Resistance Requirements – Graham Windows
Nashville home security - mail slot in front door

Upgrade from a traditional mailbox to a mail slot

Do you have a mailbox beside the street or mounted next to your front door? While these types of external mailboxes are convenient, they also represent an indicator for potential burglars looking to break into your home. It’s obvious: When mail accumulates in your mailbox, it indicates that you’re away from home, perhaps on vacation. This could prompt a patient burglar to activate his nefarious plans.

In addition to advertising the fact that you’re away, piled-up, accumulating mail also increases the risk of identity theft. The remedy here is simple: install a mail slot in your door. The slot can be put in the front door or even your garage door. A mail slot allows your mail to be delivered without the fear of theft or anyone noticing your mail.

Upgraded locks for windows

Windows – ground-level windows, in particular – are used by burglars to enter targeted homes. Most homeowners replace windows to prevent drafts and leaks, but new windows should also be considered from a home security perspective. Nashville home security - pin lock for windowsAll ground-level windows should have working locks and otherwise be in working order. In some high-crime areas, steel bars are used.

Standard window locks are generally ineffective. A double-hung window is no match for an intruder with a crowbar. Pin locks are a good idea here. On double-hung windows, locking pins can be implemented which go through both window parts or sashes to keep intruders from sliding the window open. Some pins go through a drilled hole; others use a special key.

When you’ve secured your windows with upgraded locks, you could add window bars, reinforce glass with security film, and consider installing window sensors.

Growing bushes under first-floor windows is another home security hack that will spruce up your yard as well. Thick bushes close to the house can present a formidable barrier. Access points to higher windows – such as trees or lattices that could be climbed – should be minimized or completely eliminated, if possible.

Smart door locks

Burglars often try the front or back door(s) first to see if they can quickly and easily gain access quickly rather than having to climb or go to any other trouble. Using smart locks is a wise move; replacing old door locks with smart locks makes for a better deterrent, enabling you to lock and unlock your door from a distance. Smart locks have a variety of features; some include built-in alarms and are also compatible with popular smart home stations or hubs.

Speaking of locks, please resist the temptation to hide a spare key under a fake rock near your door!

The estimated cost of remodeling is one of the biggest factors keeping homeowners from renovating their homes. If you want to improve your home’s security without draining your funds, consider a home improvement loan. These loans can be used to pay for a variety of Nashville remodeling and home renovation projects including both the interior and exterior of the home. When seeking a home improvement loan, be sure to compare home improvement loan interest rates from a variety of lenders. The lower the interest rate, the less money out of your pocket.

Doors: Replace hinges, locks, & door jambs

The front door is the most convenient way to enter a home – even for burglars and other criminals looking to break in. Many folks are simply unaware of the fact that standard front doors can be kicked in surprisingly easily by a man of only average build. This should concern any homeowner!

While alarm systems are useful in alerting you during a break-in, the warning generally arrives too late to be useful to anyone. You can affordably minimize risk and truly boost your home’s security by investing in a solid door (solid wood is good, but steel doors are stronger) and high-quality, Grade-1 deadbolt locks.

If you have never priced wooden doors, you may be in for a surprise! As it happens, steel entrance doors can be less expensive than solid wood doors, which can come to $5,000 or more for the nicer, decorative solid-wood doors.

A door with a solid core is an absolute must. Although decorative wooden doors can be visually appealing, the glass inlay common on front doors can easily be shattered – and wood isn’t nearly as strong or durable as steel.

Fiberglass doors just aren’t very aesthetically pleasing until you get to the upper price range of decorative fiberglass doors.

Common Home Security Equipment and Features (SafeWise)

To further boost your home’s security, install steel door jambs and hinges as well as a Grade 1 deadbolt. These very affordable upgrades protect against lock picking and from attempts to breach your home by kicking in the door. As a general rule, replace your locks every decade and have them rekeyed to keep your home as safe as reasonably possible.

Smart doorbell camera

As part of your Wi-Fi network, a smart doorbell camera allows you to see who’s at your door even when you aren’t home, allowing you to weed out non-Girl Scout guests. Like so many other tech items, smart doorbell cams are getting better all the time. The better doorbell camera systems include features like remote access, wireless chimes, the ability to distinguish between important and benign motion, and can record short video clips to its internal memory.

We can install home security surveillance systems which:

  • Monitor the perimeter of your home
  • Notify you of movement (if you wish to be notified)
  • Record video as desired
  • Provide excellent, practical outdoor lighting when needed
  • Activate a very loud siren when prescribed conditions are met
  • Reduce your power bill by turning off lights when not needed
  • Can be operated remotely using an app

Ways to improve home security without remodeling

While we’re on the important subject of home security, there are some other steps you can take that should improve the security of your home – and these do not require any remodeling. (We’re going to mention them anyway!)

Small home safes

Home safes are not usually thought of as part of a Nashville home remodeling project, but Broderick Builders can Nashville home security - small fireproof safeeasily take care of this for you – especially if you want a built-in safe. The home safe is a secure storage solution for your smaller valuable possessions – things like jewelry, collections of coins/stamps/baseball cards, spare keys, identity documents, cash, bearer bonds, and so on.

To be effective, your home safe must be fire- and water-resistant, and it must be too heavy to be picked up and carried away by thieves. If you decide to buy a home safe, please do not skimp on important features just to save a couple of bucks; make sure it’s waterproof and fireproof. Other security features present on some safes include redundant locks, biometric security (e.g., fingerprint, facial recognition, and iris scanning). Your safe can be built-in/anchored (preferable) or portable.

Bushes with thorns

With some strategic landscape planning, certain plants can improve your overall home security. The old-school but effective tactic of adding thorny shrubs and bushes under your windows can deter burglars from making attempts in that area. If a burglar attempts to break in at night and fails to notice the thorns in time, he’ll be in for a painfully unwelcome surprise.

Fake security co. decals & signs

Should you obtain stickers and signs for a nonexistent home security monitoring service? We’ve seen this technique included in several home-security lists, but we don’t recommend it because it could be more trouble than it’s worth. If you use signs and decals of a fake (e.g. nonexistent) security company, any halfway intelligent criminal could easily see through it by googling it. If there really is no XYZ Security service, it won’t appear in a search. If there really IS a service called XYZ Security, you may be breaking copyright (or some other) laws by using their signs. It’s probably a better idea to employ other security methods.

Can Fake Security Signs and Stickers Prevent Break Ins? Safewise | Fake home security signs & stickers (

24/7 professional alarm monitoring

With the addition of a professionally monitored home security system, you won’t have to worry about alerting law enforcement should a break-in attempt occur. If your alarm is activated, your monitoring center will know about it and quickly take action for you.

The people a security company hires to run these centers should be highly trained, and this is really important. These are the people you’ll depend on to have your back if something goes down.

Do a little homework in choosing a security monitoring company and ask the important questions.

Physical Home Security (PHD) of Tennessee: Easy security upgrades

PHDTN - Physical home security improvement NashvilleAs veteran home builders, PHD developed the DoorGuard Reinforcer System with input from a crime prevention unit in Kansas following a string of sexual assaults.

Physical Home Defense started its home security research & development with commonly accepted security measures that are the norm today and, to their surprise, found that none of the standard home security features worked effectively… especially when tested in real-life situations.

PHD’s research led to the discovery that securing the door frame and edge with commercial-grade components and that an ANSI grade one, heavy­-duty deadbolt is key to keeping intruders out. The DoorGuard Reinforcer System is the linchpin to physical defense for your home and will help you keep everything you hold dear safe.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) lock grading | Lock Grades Explained (Park Avenue Locks)

Conclusions: Nashville remodeling for home security

When renovating your home, keep security in mind as well. While a long-awaited bathroom remodel or a completely renovated all-white kitchen is nice, your home’s security should always come first. At the very least, let’s review your home security. We will show you how to make serious home security improvements through remodeling in concurrence with any other Nashville remodels you may be considering.

Improve home security as part of your next Nashville remodel

Did you know that most residential entrance doors can be kicked in without too much effort? If your home still has standard front and back doors, let us help you improve your security.

Whether you’re putting in a new mudroom, building a master suite, remodeling the attic, or renovating the entire house, there’s no better time to improve the security of your home. As a long-dedicated, deeply experienced Nashville remodeling contractor, we know the local building codes and the home security products and features that really work.

Now is the time! Let Broderick Builders help you protect your loved ones and your property by making affordable home security improvements along with any other remodeling. It all starts with a free onsite assessment. [ Contact form ]

Resources: Remodeling for home security in Nashville

Neighborhood safety, crime data maps

Home security evaluation checklists

Home security evaluation checklists (PDF)

Each link below will prompt the download of a PDF document.

How home security hardware works: Sensors and more

Don’t get fooled: 10 questions to ask before choosing a home security system- Cammy


Consider home security along with other remodeling plans

It makes a lot of sense to consider the security of your home while you are planning any type of home remodel. You know there will be some household disruption during the actual remodeling, so there’s no better time to go ahead with some other home improvements and renovations. Get it all done at once! You and your family will be safer because of it.
